Dick’s Spends Big on Gun-Chopping, Virtue-Signaling Bonanza (But It Will...
Hypocrisy and hype are now the hallmarks of Dick’s Sporting Goods. READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA Ed Stack, the CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods, wants you to know he’s committed to keeping AR-15s “off the...
View ArticleConfiscation or “Mandatory Buyback”?
If it looks like a duck… READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA It is interesting to watch certain Democrats struggle when trying to convince law-abiding gun owners how “reasonable” it is for the government to take...
View ArticleSKILLS: Too Much Gun For Home Defense?
Should you consider an AR-platform firearm for home defense, or are there better choices, and why? READ MORE If you find yourself facing a deadly threat in your home, make sure you have enough gun and...
View ArticleRELOADERS CORNER: Learning to Load Again, pt. two
In handloading, there’s always another gage or means to measure. But which really matter, and when and why? READ MORE All you really need. And a few gages to index it off of. Read on! Glen Zediker Last...
View ArticleRELOADERS CORNER: Learning To Load Again, Three
As with many technical ventures, ultimately attaining best success is all in the details. Here are a few never to overlook in the process of learning to reload rifle ammunition. READ MORE Glen Zediker...
View ArticleSupreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families’ Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed
With Tuesday’s order from the U.S. Supreme Court, attorneys for the plaintiffs will be able to test whether a gun company can be held liable for how it markets a firearm that is later used in a crime....
View ArticleGun Confiscation: The Exit-Strategy for Failing Campaigns?
With two advocates of confiscation now out of the race, are there signs others that share their zeal for disarming Americans will follow? READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA The Democrats seeking their party’s...
View ArticleNo Protection for the Law that Protects the Firearm Industry: Supreme Court...
The Second Amendment and laws designed to protect the right to keep and bear arms are meaningless if they are not adequately enforced in court. READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA A law designed to protect the...
View ArticleREVIEW: Deadfoot Arms AR Folding Stock Adapter
If you are looking to store and transport your rifle in an extra short case, the Deadfoot Arms AR Folding Stock Adapter is just what you are seeking. READ MORE David Kenik Deadfood Arms offers a...
View ArticleBloomberg-Bought Virginia Legislators Introduce Confiscatory Gun Ban
New Bloomberg-based legislation poses serious threat to Virginia gun owners. READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA Michael Bloomberg’s bought and paid for Virginia legislators have wasted no time introducing...
View ArticleWhy You Need Iron Sights
This is part one of a three-part series on sighting options for your rifle. This first entry covers iron sights. READ MORE SOURCE: Springfield-Armory Armory Life, Kit Perez While the AR-15 (or “Modern...
View ArticleVirginia Gov. Seeks Gun Registration As Down Payment On Gun Confiscation
Virginia Governor proposes harsh firearm legislation. READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) must think that Old Dominion gun owners are stupid… After months of Northam and his...
View ArticlePennsylvania Attorney General Issues Opinion On Partially-Finished Receivers...
Attorney General Josh Shapiro states controversial opinion regarding firearm classification. READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA Once again, anti-gun officials contort case law and statute to undermine our Right...
View ArticleNO, Gov. Northam, Your Gun Ban is NOT Constitutional
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam proposes new and unconstitutional legislation. READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA As Virginia gun owners have shown their displeasure with Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s proposed...
View ArticleSKILLS: When You Need A Red Dot
What are the advantages and disadvantages to red dot optics? READ MORE SOURCE: Springfield-Armory Armory Life, Adam Scepaniak While some people who have not jumped on the bandwagon of red dots might...
View ArticleSKILLS: Do You Need A Rifle Scope?
To push the limits of your tactical rifle a long-range rifle scope might just be what you need, or not… READ MORE Some shooters romanticize the idea of getting a huge rifle scope so they can shoot a...
View ArticlePro-Gun Rally By Thousands In Virginia Ends Peacefully
Thousands in Virginia showed to support their unalienable rights. Zero problems, major statements! READ MORE SOURCE: ASSOCIATED PRESS Thousands of gun-rights activists from around the country rallied...
View ArticleRELOADERS CORNER: Factory Ammo
Factory ammo is a fact of firearms life. How does it relate to us, as handloaders, and, how do we relate to it? READ MORE Trying a boxfull of a few different ideas might help settle on what ends up...
View ArticleVirginia: Gun Ban Bill Defeated!
Virginians’ rights upheld by help of 2nd Amendment supporters. READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA Thanks to Second Amendment supporters around the Commonwealth ceaselessly voicing their opposition to a sweeping...
View ArticleSuper Bowl of Dishonesty: Michael Bloomberg Spends Big to Lie to America
Bloomberg manipulates with Superbowl Ad. READ MORE SOURCE: NRA-ILA Earlier this month, Michael Bloomberg added to the quarter billion dollar tally he has spent pursuing the Democrat presidential...
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